October 14, 2019October 13, 2019Podest Christian “Las Vegas A’s?” – City of Oakland Lawsuit Fuels Speculation of Relocation
October 10, 2019October 9, 2019Samantha Irace New York Jets’ Rontez Miles Suing NFL for Injury Related to Potential ADA Violation
October 7, 2019October 6, 2019Michelle Enright Prince Harry Defends His Wife in Lawsuit Against British Media
October 7, 2019October 6, 2019Alex Scolavino To Fight or Not to Fight: Compensation for College Athletes
October 7, 2019October 6, 2019Alyssa Puccio Jerry Seinfeld Wins Lawsuit for “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee” Ownership
October 1, 2019October 1, 2019Marina Dal Agnol Stan Lee’s Daughter Accuses Business Partners of Stealing Intellectual Property
September 26, 2019May 1, 2020Alexandra MacDonald Gigi Hadid Sued For Copyright Infringement After Posting Instagram Story
September 24, 2019September 24, 2019Clare Duda Music Publishers Association Doubles Monetary Claim in Copyright Suit Against Peloton